Bankruptcy News: Debt Erasing & Debt Discharge to be Carried Out by Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase

Bankruptcy Posted on Oct 14, 2015

Many individuals that receive a bankruptcy discharge are still haunted by the debts that the bankruptcy has discharged. These still appear on the credit reports and can have many negative effects on the individual. A lot of people who are making a new financial start find it difficult to find the type of employment they want, because of the discharged debts still appearing on their credit reports.

Two major banks have made the decision to have their borrower’s credit-adjusted on their credit reports by removing these debts that have been discharged. The Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase will see that this takes place within a three month period following the bankruptcy.

This is a big step in the right direction in helping those who have gone bankrupt to truly take advantage of what the purpose of bankruptcy serves. This is meant to help individuals who have been swallowed up in debt to get a fresh financial start. Up until now, this has not been fully effective because of the discharged debts still affecting their financial status via their credit reports.

The trigger for this type of action on behalf of these two banks was no doubt the pending lawsuits against them as well as against Citigroup and Synchrony Financial. These lawsuits stem around allegations of these banks ignoring bankruptcy discharges. The banks have responded to the allegations
indicating that they are compliant with the bankruptcy laws by accurately reporting discharged debts to the credit agencies.

According to the law, banks are required to see that the credit reports are updated regarding the borrower that has the discharged debt. The reports are supposed to reflect that the debt is no longer owed.  Any notations such as “charged off” or “past due” must be removed.

This new and positive action being taken by the Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase is able to help many people. Many of these people cannot find jobs, or may even have lost their jobs because of the current method of the discharged debts remaining on their credit reports.

For many, filing for bankruptcy can be a fresh financial start and a new beginning where a past debt is psychologically and realistically behind you.  We understand that filing for bankruptcy is a big step, and you probably have many questions and fears. The experienced bankruptcy team at Hoskins, Turco, Lloyd & Lloyd will walk you through the process, address your concerns, and guide you to the debt solution that makes the most sense for you and your family.

To schedule a free consultation at one of our four locations in Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, or Okeechobee, call 866-460-1990.

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