Ride-Share in Florida: Are You Protected in an Accident?

Car Accident Posted on Nov 16, 2016

Ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft are here to stay, whether the local and state governments regulate them or not. It is becoming increasingly obvious that their system is more effective and cost-efficient for everyday consumers. But the question remains, how protected is the consumer if they are (1) hit by one of these rideshare vehicles or (2) injured while in a rideshare vehicle?

In Florida, all automobile insurance policies require the driver to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage to protect them if they are injured. One of the most important parts of the coverage is that you must seek medical treatment within 14 days of the accident to have the potential to have up to $10,000 in your medical bills paid for by your automobile insurance. You must also see a medical doctor, not a chiropractor. The idea behind PIP was to make sure injured persons could seek medical treatment after an automobile accident and not have to worry about how the initial bills would be paid for or the waiting game with filing claims/lawsuits.

So in the two scenarios above, here’s what you need to know about PIP coverage. If you are hit by a ride-share vehicle, your PIP insurance should still protect you for the first $10,000 if you follow all of the requirements mentioned above. If you are in a ride-share vehicle and injured in an auto accident, you likely will not have the benefit of PIP coverage. Here’s why. In Florida, taxis and limos are not required to carry PIP coverage, and thus, ride-share vehicles usually do not require it either.

The next situation to be concerned with is bodily injury coverage. It is important to remember that Florida does not require drivers to carry bodily injury coverage. This means that some drivers driving on the Florida roadways could get away free without paying you a penny if they cause an auto accident. It is another reason why we stress our clients to get Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage on their policies to protect them from the millions of drivers without bodily injury coverage.

Thankfully for Florida drivers and ride-share passengers, Uber and Lyft carry bodily injury coverage on their vehicles that will protect both drivers and passengers. The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation recently announced that Uber’s policy carries $1,000,000 in liability limits.

It is imperative that if you are involved in an automobile accident with a ride-share vehicle—either a passenger or a driver—that you seek medical treatment immediately. Afterward, call the Law Firm of Hoskins, Turco, Lloyd & Lloyd, who specialize in automobile accidents. Studies show that hiring a car accident attorney will get you 3.5 times more compensation than dealing with insurance companies on your own. Attorney Steve Hoskins has the distinction of being a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer—a distinction that less than 10% of all Florida attorneys possess. He has the experience, resources, and reputation to not only get you the compensation you deserve but handle every facet of your case so you can focus on recovering and returning to normalcy.

We don’t get paid unless we win your case, and we offer free appointments to discuss your case. Don’t delay in calling our offices today, as time is of the essence in making accident claims. Call 1-866-460-1990.

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