Car accident statistics that will shock you

Car Accident Posted on Feb 14, 2023

Find out why car accidents are increasing year over year. And when and where car accidents are most likely to occur.

Car Accident Statistics 2022

Car accident statistics from 2022 show a troubling trend—crashes are becoming more frequent. But why is this happening?

In this article, we examine the latest traffic data. Plus, we uncover when and where car accidents are most likely to occur, and who is most likely to be a victim.

Car accident statistics you need to know

  • An estimated 41,285 people died in traffic crashes in 2022. That’s a traffic fatality every 12 minutes!
  • Florida ranks third in the nation for number of car accidents. Experts believe this is due to weather conditions, a growing population, high rates of impaired and distracted driving, as well as a large elderly population.
  • The risk of a car accident is highest among teens ages 16–19 than among any other age group. Teen drivers have a fatal crash rate almost 3x as high as drivers ages 20 and older.
  • Women are 73% more likely to be injured in a car accident than men. Although there are more male crash deaths, women are more likely to be injured in a vehicle accident that is similar in impact.
  • The most dangerous day to drive is on Friday between 3 p.m. and 5:59 p.m., based on data from the NHTSA. Experts suggest this is due to a high volume of drivers on the road. People are community home from work or traveling for the weekend.
  • However, the highest number of fatal accidents occurs on Saturday between 9 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. This is also the period when DUI arrests are most likely to happen.

Why are car accidents increasing?

New cars and trucks are the safest, most advanced vehicles to date. Yet, traffic fatalities increase year after year.

The issue is complex. The troubling trend is the result of distracted driving, a growing number of vehicles on the roads, an uptick in speeding, and a decline in seat belt and booster seat use. Car accident statistics from 2022 indicate something must be done to prevent more crashes.

5 tips to help you avoid car accidents and car accident injuries

Sometimes the most obvious things to do can have the greatest impact.

  1. ALWAYS wear your seat belt.
  2. NEVER drive distracted.
  3. STAY ALERT for other drivers. Don’t assume or predict their actions.
  4. NEVER drive when impaired, including drunk, drowsy, or high.
  5. NEVER speed; it’s one of the leading causes of accidents.

Injured in a car accident?

Call 866-930-6435 to speak with our experienced car accident attorneys

At Hoskins, Turco, Lloyd & Lloyd, our award-winning, experienced legal team can provide you with trusted legal guidance after a Treasure Coast car accident. With decades of experience and unparalleled local expertise, our reputation speaks for itself.

Call our law firm right away if you are injured in a car accident in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach or Okeechobee. You will be able to speak directly with one of our accident attorneys and we can help you determine your legal options.

Call 866-930-6435 to speak to our attorneys.

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