Hoskins Turco Lloyd & Lloyd

Why Women Are More Likely to Be Seriously Injured in a Car Accident

Woman Driving Car

New study finds women are more likely than men to be seriously injured or killed in a car accident.  The reasons why may surprise you.

Every day, there are car accidents on the Treasure Coast. In fact, I-95 and US 1 in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, and Vero Beach are some of the busiest stretches of highway in the country. With a growing number of cars on the road, statistically, there will be more car accidents.

However, what’s disturbing is that, although men get in more car accidents and tend to engage in riskier driving behavior, women are more likely to be seriously injured. A new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) explains the discrepancy, and it’s not physiological: it’s down to vehicle size and type as well as what kind of crashes are involved.


Women are more likely to be seriously injured or killed in a car accident due to their vehicle size

The study from the IIHS discovered the following findings

Researchers conducting the study say that the overall difference in outcomes for men and women involved in car accidents is due to differences in behaviors and vehicle choice. In two-car crashes, men are more likely to be driving large, heavy vehicles (especially pickup trucks), which offer more protection for drivers and passengers. And men are more likely to be in the striking vehicle than in the vehicle being struck, which also corresponds to a lower risk of injury.

What can you do to help protect yourself from serious injury in a car accident?

Car accidents on the Treasure Coast can happen anytime, anywhere. While no one expects to be involved in a car accident in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach, or Okeechobee, there are several things you can do to help protect yourself from serious injury.


What to do if you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach, or Okeechobee

Call 866-930-6435 for a free consultation

If you have been seriously injured in a car accident in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach or Okeechobee, the last thing you are probably thinking about is hiring a personal injury attorney. However, if the car accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, and you were seriously injured, and/or your car was damaged or totaled, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to learn about your legal rights and options.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you get money to pay for your medical bills, your car repairs or replacement, lost wages from missing work, and even for your pain and suffering.

At Hoskins, Turco, Lloyd & Lloyd, we have helped thousands of people who have been seriously injured in car accidents in Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach and Okeechobee get the compensation they need and deserve. If the accident is not your fault, you should not have to pay for the financial repercussions. We will fight on your behalf to get you a fair settlement that will help you get through this difficult time.

Call us at 866-930-6435 to learn more about how we can help you and your family. We offer FREE, no-obligation consultations to everyone. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will meet with you, either in-person, on the phone, or via video conferencing, to talk to you about your legal options and answer any questions you may have.

Don’t wait. Call 866-930-6435 now. We’re available 24/7.




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