Hoskins Turco Lloyd & Lloyd

Discover Insurance Changes Before You Discover Florida

Steve Hoskins Car Accident Attorney

Florida is Celebrating its 500th Anniversary. Before you take to the roads discovering all of Florida’s treasures, make sure you discover all of the changes to your auto insurance policy and Florida’s new regulations.

This year, Florida will celebrate the 500th anniversary (quincentennial) of Ponce de León’s “discovery” of Florida while he searched for a fountain of youth. Since that time, millions of other people have come to Florida in search of something. In recent months, signs have sprouted up along major roads announcing our quincentennial and encouraging all of us to travel and discover Florida.

Before you pack the car, you may want to first discover the major changes which occurred to your Florida auto insurance. Effective January 1, 2013, the limit for Florida No-Fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits is either $2,500 or $10,000 per person for any losses sustained as a result of any bodily injury, sickness, or disease arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle. If an authorized healthcare provider determines that the injured person has an “Emergency Medical Condition (EMC) he or she may be entitled to the full $10,000; however, if an authorized healthcare provider determines that the injured person does not have an EMC, he or she will only receive up to $2,500 in PIP benefits. The new law also requires some form of healthcare treatment within 14 days of the accident, or there will be no PIP benefits afforded under the policy.

Our firm has prepared an Emergency Accident Guide that will fit into the glove box of any vehicle. Contained within the packet is an easy to read list of what to do if you are involved in an accident, an overview of the recent changes to the Florida No-Fault Law, and you may store your auto insurance card and other important auto documents within the guide for easy access.

If you would like a complimentary Emergency Accident Guide, please call me toll-free:  1-866-460-1990, or if you visit the St. Lucie County Fair between February 22nd and March 3rd, you can pick up a guide at our booth located inside the commercial display building. I will be glad to chat with you about any other concerns or questions you might have about the changes in the auto insurance law or any auto accident issues. We hope everyone remains safe and has good insurance coverage as you travel the highways of Florida this year.

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