Hoskins Turco Lloyd & Lloyd

Halloween: A Night for Treats not Horror

Did you know that on the average, twice as many kids are killed or injured while walking on Halloween as compared to any other day of the year? Therefore, we all need to do our part in trying to make sure that Halloween is a night for treats and a memorable experience as opposed to a night of tragedy for injury.

Parents and drivers both need to do their part to keep children safe on Halloween. Since children have very limited attention spans, parents should review trick or treat safety before heading out of the house.

Since most trick or treat activities are conducted in the dark, drivers should be extra careful when driving after dark on Halloween because excited trick or treaters may not be crossing streets properly or watching out for cars.

Tips to keep kids safe on Halloween for parents and children:

Tips for drivers:

From the Law Firm of Hoskins Turco Lloyd & Lloyd, we hope everyone has fun on Halloween and stays safe. We hope these safety tips will help make Halloween fun and safe for everyone.

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